Adams Well Service Inc.
7964 County Rd. 5A, Bolivar, NY 14715
(585) 928-1655
Site Preparation

Our equipment operators are experiened in leveling sites, digging trenches and ditches, preparing reserve pits for water or well discharges and removing any obstructions (trees, pipelines, etc.).
Depending on the location of the site, access may require preparation of a road bed in order to bring in all necessary equipment, tanks and trailers to complete the project.
Plug & Abandon Wells

All employees at Adams Well Service Inc. are committed to providing exceptional Plugging and Abandonment services in a safe, efficient and cost-effective manner to each of our customers.
Our experienced technicians ensure each job is executed with the highest level of quality while meeting all state and federal regulatory laws and guidelines.
Well Servicing

Our rig operators and field technicians are trained to determine the proper maintenance needed for existing wells and work hard to restore or increase oil and gas production.
A well that is not producing to its full potential may require service or a full work over.